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Teamwork and productivity

The energy and productivity in the section are related.

Employees are getting along with each other, or respect the boss.

Good communication, and smooth operation lead to high productivity.

There are several ways to improve teamwork; of course, stress in each one of them has a bad effect on the team.

There are employees to lower the energy sometimes, including the boss.

Aren't you underestimating stress or emotional effects on productivity?

Employees' motivation was the reason why the last quarter didn't go too well.

Everyone knows what to do and how to execute at work.

Plans, and we work our hardest along with the plans, right?

Then why do we have a reduction in sales?

Well, someone or some people are not doing things along with the plans.

The boss can instruct and employees know how to work.

However, it is another story to maintain employees' motivation and hard work.

A Coach pays attention to employees' motivation, maintain it and tell the others how to work together.

Like a basketball player, practice basketball on the basketball court and work with a coach to maintain their high motivation and calmness.


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