We support people who are like executives living in NYC! You may be awesome at excuses not to make a move to do what you truly want to achieve. We use some Zen Meditation (based on the fact that the coach is Japanese;) methods to run with you towards your goals, small or big. We support people who cannot follow the seminar or curriculum they signed up for or the work project that they were assigned. We ensure everything is on time together with our unique 1 on 1 method. Please, listen up quitters, it wasn't your fault, you just needed a coach you deserve.
NY Style Coaching Menu
NY Style Coaching + Zen Guided Meditations
6 months ( 12 sessions Coaching sessions + 5 Guided Meditations )
60-90 minutes/Coach session
90-120 minutes/Guided Meditation session
Daily report for progress and mindset, just a sentence or 2
Program based on psychology, laws of attraction, and overwriting subconscious mind (mindset)
Ready to find out more?
Our coaching sessions are based on psychology and the Laws of Attraction with the essence of the Zen Meditation style. We mixed good elements to maximize the effects of the coaching! Whatever works the best that we want to offer! The concept is that someone will encourage you and watch you achieve for 3 months. That is the reason why you can move forward for better!